because it no longer
included Gerard –
Get rid of pride
Get rid of sorrow
Mix with the People
Go among the People,
the Fellaheen not the
American Bourgeois Middle-
class World of neurosis
nor the Catholic French
Canadian European World
– the People –
Indians, Arabs, the
Fellaheen in the country, village,
of City slums – an
essential World Dostoyevksy
if you want to Gauguin on –
but mainly, fulfill yr.
needs, live, – sit staring
in the yard all day, if
the other men laugh at
you challenge them
& ask them if “you would
like it if I laugh at
you” – Screw, drink,
be lasy, roam, do
nothing ... gather yr.
food – Get out of
America for good, it’s
a Culture holding you,
no Life – The People
of No Good & Evil –
of No Culture, no
Prophets – nothing but
essential politics & literature
as Tales of the People –
Gauguin practised a
neurotic civilization
impressionism among
primitive fellaheen
people – is his
art so good as they
say? – is it better
really than all-out
culture bourgeois dutch
come-&-honey Rembrandt?
– of course not – Impressionism
is & has always been
a breakup & compromise
in the art of picturing
nature & is now a
wild scatological paint
blur call’d Surrealism etc
Primitive art nevertheless
is closer to Surrealism
than “Naturalism”
(which is unnaturally tech-
nical) – but primitive
art does not consider
Subconsciousness or
Primitivism – & is in
any case Decoration
for Utilitarian Purposes,
not so called “expression
for expression’s sake”
& the difference is
millionfold down deep –
Gauguin would have done
better decorating their pots
& boats – This humility
is the true artist’s – ”
Kerouac, Jack. « Sun Apr 26 SWING THE HILLTOMBSTONE », Book of sketches. Penguin Books, 1952-1953, New York. Page 273-276
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